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  • love-hate relationship: with bacteria & such

    Thursday, May 27, 2010
    oh yeah... i love and i hate microorganisms especially dear bacteria.
    don't get me wrong, i will always love them. without them, me and you can't live here on earth. tiny miny little life, but are always complicated than human. loving them because that is what i study all these while. how not to love them, tell me.
    hatred come when, hmm..when i need to read a LOTS of boo
    ks, journals, articles and what so ever to write my thesis. common and normal right, for a research student like me.

    but, but.... the knowledge grow bigger and deeper day by day. how to catch up like this? today, they say like this... tomorrow like that. oh m
    y bacteria, wish you can just talk to me laa. i won't eat you, i promise :)

    i've postponed my thesis writing for almost 5 months already. Gosh, why am i so lazy? Just because everytime i look at my log book, my data a
    nd results.. i am lost. Can never get into the writing mode, staring blankly at journals and notebook's screen 'till head got dizzy!

    tonight, finally... the mood is on. haha, but wait.. why am i blogging instead of doing my work? erk... i couldn't found info i need in the internet. waaaaaaaaa...*cry cry cry.

    wuwuwuw... nevermind lah, share with you my beloved bacteria's picture.