farewell 2009, hello 2010
Thursday, December 31, 2009
so long fare thee well... pete teo's song definitely describe my feeling towards year '09. will never can rewind it but still, there is high hope in 2010.. may every single mini things plan and not plan goes smoothly =) no more new year resolution. i know i will never can accomplish it so there will be short term n long term goals instead. hahahaha....
new year celebration? nothing much.. plan to catch some new movie, cook some meals and have a joyful serene new year night hopefully. the utmost to be celebrate is time, another year that God added to our life, be thankful and live your life!
to all my dearest friends (macam la dorang baca blog ni..) all the best in what you want to do, what you want to be and what so ever!care not what people say..
to all my dearest friends (macam la dorang baca blog ni..) all the best in what you want to do, what you want to be and what so ever!care not what people say..