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  • some bugs that got into my head

    Sunday, February 26, 2012


    something bugging my mind but i don't know what things.
    and i think, it is more than one type of bug. they all creep into my mind, bite deeper each passing day, leaving lots of blank spaces that need to be rethink, decision making to be made.

    conversation with myself is not helping, and i don't think talking these matters with some other people will help too. nahh, best keep in locked inside that secret hidden part of the brain.

    and yeah, bugs are winning until i found the suitable pesticide for them.

    #it's a rainy Sunday night. surprisingly, i do not have the Monday blues. Just that, the feeling is a bit iggy. don't ask me why coz i really don't know.


    Saturday, February 25, 2012
    changing and to be change.
    all these we can't avoid
    no matter how we wanted to run away from it.

    comes the new year, and everything will change
    from individual, social, politic, economy and system
    who can stop it?

    changed hair style, changed mind set
    change address, change job?
    but please, someone do not ask any single woman
    when will the status change?

    too much to be change
    but the world still remain the same.
    not significant enough, maybe?