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  • when i was once a little girl......

    Monday, November 7, 2011

    Que Sera Sera, the song that i used to sing when i was a little girl.
    Our curiousity for our future was so massive when we were small. Not to say that we are not curious about our future now in our adulthood. Just that to recalled back all our innocent dreams and predictions, and compare it to what we have now... irony, funny or amusing for some.

    It is just that, what we have and how we live now is far too much different from what we ever dream of, for me at least. For example, i should have finish my MSc in 3 years time the most. But to date, almost 5 years but still the end is very much blur to me. I pray earnestly that this chapter will end soon. This mean my dream for PhD will have to be on hold for don't know how long.

    I am a person with only a few close friends. Cause the quality is more important than the quantity. My best friend, D, and i used to day dream a lotss during our class. Yes, we are the golden pair in the class. Every single teacher that taught us know how talkative we are despite the fact that we sit together, live in the same place together but our chattering is a never ending business :D

    We imagined how life would be when we are 27... oppss.. that is NOW. I am still nowhere that i can be proud of. But as for D, a chapter of her life is started at 27. A happy married woman she is now. I am happy for you, dear friend.

    As for yours truly here... Let time decide everything.

    Cheers and have a good school holiday to those teachers!