those who can, write the future
Monday, February 18, 2013
How do you feel looking back at your previous life?
Looking back at how that particular job was so easy and fun.
At how life as a students, your worries were only assignments and exam.
Looking back at how life was before you made a decision that makes you, you, NOW?
Or do you always dream of the future?
Thinking about 1001 possibilities of the 'what if?'
What if I went to Graduate School instead of working life?
What if I studied Economy instead of Science?
What if I never say yes to you?
What if I this, what if I that..........
I look back at few major decisions I have made these few years,
there were no regret because with each of the decision,
I have gained more experiences, insight and new perspective on life.
Met more friends at my first work place, friends who are understanding and supportive.
Realize that I might have the natural talent to teach.
Leave my first job, join a greater cause.
A cause to end the education inequity in Malaysia.
Everyone dreams of changing our education system
They rant, they complaint, they finger pointed people,
but.... do you really put yourself in the teachers' shoes?
Or even the students' needs?
Yes, everyone can dream of a better future,
but those who can, WRITE THE FUTURE.
And those are the fellows of Teach For Malaysia.
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