1. when you receives sweet text messages remember to smile, and deletes it afterward.
2. think about how to earn money, not how to save it.
3. when angry, count till 30 then try to talk.
4. buy on your own what you like, don't hope for others to give you.
5. drink less juices but eat more fruits, eat less junk food but drink more water, sit less stand
more, talk less do more.
6. never let another man to love you like your dad, so the most loved is still dad.
7. don't miss the same person 24 hours, share some with families and friends.
8. don't ever think that when you found yourself a rich man then you'll have everything. young
girls in this whole wide world is like Coke on racks, it doesn't matter you drink it or not.
9. once eaten don't ever vomit it, so think clear before you eat.
10. when lonely don't listen to slow tempo songs or moody. stand up, work up or hang out.
11. when people see through you, pretend that you don't know.
12. make sure the one that works and the one that having fun, is not the same you.
13. apply sunscreen but some sun exposure will lighten your day too.
14. when set your eyes on thing that you want to buy, don't borrow money. think wisely and do
it with no regret.
15. do not use your boyfriend birth date as atm pin.
16. never ever complain to your ex boyfriend.
17. consider the time of walking and its intensity before deciding which shoes to put on whenever
you go out.
18. read good books, renew spirit, improve life quality.
19. can wear cheap clothes but remember that you are more than its worth.
20. supplements shoud be more than make up items. inner beauty and strength shine more than
physical attractiveness.
21. make writing diary a habit, never bother about your writing and languages.
22. you can disagree but learn to respect.
23. pay attention to the inner heart but never neglect the appearance too.
24. when undecided, let times help you. if still undecided, decide before you speak. it is better to
make a mistake rather than regret.
25. smile when you are on the phone, the person on the phone can hear your smile.
26. pay your debts, do your saving-monthly.
27. knows about the trends, but doesn't mean that you have to follow.
28. let your look define your age.
29. believe in the existence of love and mr. right. but before that, do not hesistate to share life
with mr. wrong.
30. when someone you like don't text you back, never text him again.
31. never let anyone become the reason to torment yourself. refuse to eat, cries, isolation,
depression and such are all what silly people do. it's alright to be silly once in a while, life is not
necessarily smart all the time.
32. your man may not be rich, but must makes you feel safe and happy.
33. when you decide to leave someone, do it quick. when decide to love someone, takes longer
time and observe whether he suit you.
34. takes your own leisure time by preparing good foods, put some soft music, read good book or
just sleep.
35. learn to deal with hardship. some words better keep rotten in the herat, some bitterness better be forgotten unsound. when you experieced all these, you have grown up and know much.
36. in all occasions, remember to watch your attitude. learn to say thank you, please and sorry.
when you do the wrong things, must apologize and be a better person.
:: this is not my own writing. i translate them from a mandarin texts and sure there will be lots of things, lost in translation. i don't believe in Google translate tools (they are craps.. haha) and excuse my broken English. ::